Wednesday, January 24, 2007

PotterCast #73: PotterCast Goes to FAO Schwartz


And I mean wow. This episode planted some very new, very interesting thoughts in my head, what with an excellent interview with Francisca Solar, author of Harry Potter fanfic and a new novel (written in Spanish) that she is currently trying to get translated into English, and a Canon Conundrums (yes!) about Emmeline Vance and Amelia Bones. I really liked Sue's idea that Amelia could be an heir to Hufflepuff, but I also think it could be plausible that Vance is a descendant of Ravenclaw.

Oh well, THAT's not the big news today. I was in hysterics after I heard this, let me tell you, but THIS BLOG was quoted on PotterCast! *random squeeing* Yes, I was quite proud of myself, I always knew my head hurting quote would be popular. *sneezes something about "not expecting it at all"*

Anyway, some great theories were said, and it was probably THE BEST episode ever. ;)

74, here we come!

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