Sunday, November 25, 2007

James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing?

I saw this on Leaky and had to post about it.

I'm so excited for this, I can not even contain myself--I love fanfiction, and this seems like a really elaborate one that I can't wait to dive right into. I'm checking the page every day for updates. (If you happen to live under a rock and don't know yet, you can check this page at


Also, on a related note, what's the deal with this JKR/SVA lawsuit, anyway? I've still got mixed opinions on it... Hm.

Go me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

PotterCast: The Movie Trailer...reposted

I re-uploaded the movie trailer I made for PotterCast awhile ago on YouTube, and I'll post it again because I WANT to win that blog challenge. Bad. Here it is.

(note, I also made a movie poster, I'll post that too...someday)

Deathly Hallows. Wow.

Wow. I'm finally getting around to responding to DH, because my Google account was broken. :( I guess the shock has finally started to wear off... After listening to countless PotterCasts, SpinnersCasts and WeasleyCasts (awesome show, go download it), I have at last settled down my Post-Potter Depression. what?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Haven't updated in a month. MKoK is trash. PotterCast is going on tour and I don't have a computer for July and August. An HP conference that the Leaky Muggers are going to is finally in my country, but hundreds of miles away from me.

Thanks, karma.

Anyway, I entered the JKR and the Moonlight Signing contest. Maybe I'll win, maybe I won't. I'm thinking probably the latter.

Finally gotten over PotterCast not calling me back. I sent in a story for Melissa's book, though, and she got back to me--Said she liked it. I'm not resentful it took awhile to reply; I understand Melissa's a busy woman, with Leaky and PotterCast and this summer and--


It's here! The Summer of 7 is finally here, and I'm thoroughly stoked. Computer or not, WE HAVE A BOOK, A MOVIE, A VIDEO GAME, AND NOW A THEME PARK TO LOOK FORWARD TO?

To take a quote from Leaky's poll: "I'm going to combust in a shiny white ball of excitement. Thanks, WB and Jo, for killing me."

To talk a bit more about PotterCast, well, Sad pandas, everyone: o more Conundrums! It was wrapped up in PC 91 and now... Well, I'm a little sad, I am. I've actually got people at my school saying "Sad pandas" and "Aww, it's the end," at the end of classes and stuff.

And this is a lengthy and boring blog post with no entertainment value whatsoever. So, go to YouTube and watch "slytherin nail", Vote for PotterCast and SpinnersCast on Podcast Alley, and have a GREAT SUMMER!


PS. PotterCast, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MOVIE TRAILER BLOG CHALLENGE? I'm gonna repost my video, just to be sure that it gets seen. Just in case it's still on. *wink*

Sunday, April 15, 2007

HP Dreams, PC 84, and why you should never eat pizza before going to bed

*sighs* Well, well, well.... I was NOT on PotterCast. Of course, the show screwed up, and then they didn't call me again, and... *headdesk* But that's okay! I mean, hey... Maybe... erm...

Anyway. Good show even if I wasn't on it. And as for the other call-ins... meh, they had some pretty good theories. I guess. I'm just a little disappointed is all. Really.

Anyhoo, I had a dream the other night that it was July 21st, and I had missed the release party (gasp!). I was at a bookshop to pick up DH, and they had only a few copies leftover from the night before. I was trying to decide whether I should get the deluxe or normal edition, when I flipped open the front pages to find that there was one chapter in the entire book, entitled "Harry and Voldemort have tea with Dobby" and it was a 784-page-long description of the lovely tablecloth Dobby had chosen for the occasion. All the copies were the same. I woke up almost in tears, and vowed to never, EVER eat pizza before going to bed again.

Yeah. Not fun. That was the night after I listened to 84, too... *grumble* PotterCast has failed me... And still, no blog challenge results. Guys, I gotta know if I won! I spent hours...erm, minutes on that trailer! I need to know if my work was appreciated in the proper way. :)

And about MKoK--I'll update soon. It's very hard to write with a million tons of disappointment weighing me down. (Yes, that's right, you can blame PotterCast for a lack of updates. Sorry, guys, but I'm a little bummed, if you didn't already guess. Seeing as you called me at the screw-up show, then ot again... Blehgh.)

Monday, April 2, 2007

PotterCast and the Mystic Kettle of Knackledirk

Hmhmhmhmhm... I heard PC 78, and I couldn't resist. I've been working on it for a while, but now I can finally post it. Get ready for this...

I'm writing a PotterCast fan fiction.

I know: Awesome. It's called PotterCast and the Mystic Kettle of Knackledirk, and basically includes every inside joke, outtake, and John moment that has ever been available to PotterCast listeners' ears. I can't take credit for the first part, that was an outtake from #78.

Hope you enjoy it. Each Monday, I'll post a new update... So, here's the first one. (Yes, it does say Chapter 4--It's not a mistake).

Chapter Four: The Carnival

Sue, John and Melissa took off for the carnival in Indianapolis. They were looking for funnel cakes because John had a hankering for funnel cakes. Elephant ears just would not do. John walked dazedly around the carnival, looking for the funnel cake stand, but all he could find were corn dogs.

Meanwhile, Sue and Melissa were up on the big ferris wheel throwing things down at John as he searched. They were throwing popcorn, bricks, and other assorted objects. This made John very sad pandas indeed.

When they got off the ferris wheel, they went to find John. They discovered him behind the ticket booth, playing a game of Chipotle Monopoly with a man in an elephant suit. Sue and Melissa joined in the game, but John beat them by a longshot. The two girls sauntered off behind John as he did a victory lap around the carnival.

Sue had brought her skateboard because she had heard there were some very good grinds at this particular carnival. Later, while John munched on a corn dog and Melissa put Leay stickers on the backs of passers-by, Sue amused herself by grinding the rails of the roller coaster all the time yelling "HUFFLEPUFF ROCKS MY SOCKS!" She was fined several hundred dollars.

All in all, it was a very productive day.

As the trio were leaving the carnival, Melissa spotted a pink vendor's tent that sold specialty tea kettles. As everyone knows, Melissa had a very large stolen tea kettle collection so this was quite a treat.

"Guys, we have to steal a kettle from there!" shouted Melissa, as she slapped her final Leaky sticker onto Sue's back. "I'll bet they're the finest kettles this side of Borneo!"

"Again? I thought twice was enough for today," sighed John. "Okay, fine. I'll get the pantyhose..." He proceeded to dig through his fanny pack for the makeshift face masks they had been using.

The interior of the tent was very humid, and pictures of frowning Asian bears were embroidered on the walls. A spindly wooden table in the center was covered in bottles of some kind of red liquid, which were being mixed by an elderly man with a long silver beard and a pair of half-moon spectacles.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gent!" said the man. "What can I get for you today?"

John replied, "I'll have a Grande double choc--"

"Albus! How many times must I tell you? We're not making cocktails, here!" interrupted a short, balding old man who had just burst into the room. The bearded man looked alarmed and grabbed his bottles while dashing from the tent. "I apologize about him," said the bald man to Melissa, John and Sue. "Been in and out of here since Saturday... I keep telling him, there's no way to make a superblood, no matter how hard he tries! Anyhow, are you here to see some kettles?"

Melissa surged forward, pushing John and Sue put of the way. "YES! Do you have any Maudsley Originals?"

"In fact, I do, love. But what you're looking for aren't old Maudsleys--No, they went out of style ages ago! What you really need is one of these beautiful works of art here..." He gestured to a shelf with five shining teapots resting on it. One was a shade of violent red, while another was as black as midnight. One was Hufflepuff yellow, with a badger emblazoned on it ("Squee!" cried Sue), one was stark-white, like snow, and one was a plastic kettle with a tag reading "Target" attached to its handle.

"Wow... They really are beautiful!" said Melissa in awe. "How much for the plastic one on the end?"

The man grinned a glowering smile, his eyes boring into Melissa's own. "Oh, I can't let that one go too cheap..." He cackled, and suddenly his smile faded. "Five ninety-five. Would you like a bag for that?" The man passed her the kettle.

Melissa's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" she squeed, and handed the money to him. Then she turned to Sue and John so they could leave.

"Oh, just one more thing, m'dear..." said the old man. "Please be careful with this kettle--Some say it still has... "residual magic", perhaps, from when it used to belong the ancient people of Knackledirk... Just be wary. Always remember that."

Melissa thought he was simply rambling and left the tent, with John and Sue close behind.


Not my best work, I must admit. But it's supposed to be that way--lame and cheesy. Look for Chapter 2: Dobby is FREE! coming next Monday!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

PotterCast Called Me!

Wow, everybody. WOW.

I just got off the phone with Melissa, John and Sue about the cover for DH, and WOW! I can't believe I was on PotterCast!!! :D :D :D I was shaky and nervous, though, so I probably didn't do the best job. I just sort of spewed random theories, but I think (or maybe just hope) that they liked my theory that the colloseum on the front of the American edition is the Deathly Hallows, which is behind the veil. I wish I could've had more time to prepare--I'd been thinking about it all day, but when you're put on the spot like that... :S

Oh well, it was fun in any case.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

PotterCast: The Movie

I am very, VERY proud to present my response to the PC 78 Blog Challenge. Here it is, the teaser trailer for PotterCast: The Movie! (Based on the novel by Melissa Anelli :P)

It's not great, but you can see it on Google Video in better quality at Tell me what you think!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Congratulations Melissa! (And some PC talk, too)

I only just listened to PotterCast 78, and I have to say I really enjoyed hearing Jenna talk about Equus. It would be cool to see, but I don't live anywhere near London and I'm not really a theater person, anyway. :)

The Canon Conundrums was incredible, as usual. It really planted some new thoughts in my head as to the life of Vapormort, and while I love John's Grindelwald/Deathly Hallows theory I really can't see it happening. Would Jo really name her last book after something like that?

But my favorite part of the cast didn't come until the end. I'd like to send out a big, BIG congratulations--

--to Melissa! She has been accepted to publish a book about the HP fandom with Simon and Schuster (I think that's what she said...I'll listen again and clarify) and I'm absolutely ecstatic for her. I'm so, SOOO excited to read the book whenever it is released, hopefully within the next year or two :) . I almost screamed when I heard it, I've been wanting something like this to be published forever and now one of my three favorite podcasters in the world has done it. Once again, congrats!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Leaky Reading Groups

I've only just been sorted into Chamber 29 of the Leaky Reading Groups for OotP, and already I'm seeing that this will be so much fun! If you haven't already, go and get yourself sorted for the groups. Hope to see you in Chamber 29!

And, if you are in Chamber 29, why don't you support everyone's favorite Potter fan (me) and his budding career in signature images by using my new Chamber 29 image, located to the right?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

New Deathly Hallows Countdown!

This new countdown from Leaky features the countdown for both OoTP and DH, so we will no longer be using the old one. :)

Thursday, February 1, 2007


OH MY GOD!!!! The release date is here for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and it is July 21st, 2007! That's six months, everybody!

PotterCast is doing a special show today about it, but my iTunes seems to be broken so I can't listen to it. :( Aww... I'll get to it eventually, though. Hopefully.

RIGHT NOW there is a Corner Booth chat going on over in the Leaky Lounge, you should go over and check it out. I've been squealing and freaking out about the title over there for the past half hour. :) You should go over too, it's lot sof fun. :)

AAAAAH! I can't get over it, I'm stunned, I don't know what to think... Maybe I'm dreaming. Yeah, that's it--I'll wake up in the morning and find out that I get to wait a whole year for the book, filled with PotterCasts and Leaky and all that other good stuff.

I hope?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Flag Quiz

I just added a little quiz to the bottom of the page, you have to guess the country's flag. Lotsa fun...but I suck at it. :( Sad pandas.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

PotterCast #73: PotterCast Goes to FAO Schwartz


And I mean wow. This episode planted some very new, very interesting thoughts in my head, what with an excellent interview with Francisca Solar, author of Harry Potter fanfic and a new novel (written in Spanish) that she is currently trying to get translated into English, and a Canon Conundrums (yes!) about Emmeline Vance and Amelia Bones. I really liked Sue's idea that Amelia could be an heir to Hufflepuff, but I also think it could be plausible that Vance is a descendant of Ravenclaw.

Oh well, THAT's not the big news today. I was in hysterics after I heard this, let me tell you, but THIS BLOG was quoted on PotterCast! *random squeeing* Yes, I was quite proud of myself, I always knew my head hurting quote would be popular. *sneezes something about "not expecting it at all"*

Anyway, some great theories were said, and it was probably THE BEST episode ever. ;)

74, here we come!

Friday, January 19, 2007

PotterCast # 72: The Ultra Megazord Mailbag Edition

What a great episode.

What else can I say? This probably has to be the best PotterCast episode I've listened to EVER. One gigantic mailbag segment filled the hour with lots of perplexing theories, including a very significant one about Godric's Hollow...

The theory states that Harry is the person who was outside his parents' house on the night of their deaths. This is because, on Halloween of (Oh my God, what year was it?) 1997, I think, Harry used a time-turner to return to the night of his parents' demise. He was the one who informed Dumbledore to go find baby Harry at the house.

Our dear Sue then proceeded to add another bit to the theory by explaining why Snape feels such hatred for Harry: because Snape knew of this older Harry coming to the past before Harry himself knew it, and so hated having to keep the secret.

This also explains why Dumbledore allowed Harry to do all those dangerous things at Hogwarts. Because he knew that Harry would be all right, that he wouldn't die, because he had seen seventeen-year-old Harry in the past.

Well, my head now officially hates PotterCast for making it hurt so badly. That should be their new slogan: "PotterCast: Making people get migranes since 2005!" Lol, can't wait for 73.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Check out for more blogs about the Harry Potter convention Lumos!

A show called MuggleCast

Well, I finally got around to downloading MuggleCast, and I have to say that I was wrong: while PotterCast is definitely better (sorry MuggleCast), MuggleCast is interesting and informative too. I've listened to a grand total of two MuggleCast episodes, and I must say I thouroughly enjoyed both of them. Keep 'em coming!

We've changed

I thought the "Brett's Harry Potter Fan Blog" title was a little bit boring, so I completely revamped the template with Ravenclaw colors! The title has now changed, as well, and I'd like to welcome you to Ravenclaw Common-room!

As well I would also like to thank PotterCast for giving us another incredible episode. I haven't been updating for each episode in the past few weeks, and that's because I've been VERY busy chatting with other fans on the Leaky Lounge about the title.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Ravenclaw through and through!

Well, I had always said I was in Ravenclaw, but I'd never actually taken a Sorting Hat test to confirm that.

Well, let me tell you, I took a test. Here is the result:

The sorting hat says that I belong in Ravenclaw!


Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."

Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable.
Notable residents include Cho Chang and Padma Patil (objects of Harry and Ron's affections), and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine's editor).

Take the most scientific Harry Potter
ever created.

Get Sorted Now!

My scores were:

Gryffindor: 62

Ravenclaw: 94

Hufflepuff: 86

Slytherin: 61

I guess I was right, then. :)